In the United States, it is estimated that there over 500,000 people without homes on a given night. Most of these people had a job and a stable residence prior to losing their homes. Common factors that cause homelessness include a rapid change in the economic and social condition of a person. Other factors can be struggling with substance abuse, succumbing to a mental illness, or fleeing from domestic violence. Finally, many veterans are homeless due to a combination of these previous factors, along with a commonality of having PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). If you are interested in a more in depth analysis of why people become homeless, check out this website. If you have any further questions, do not be afraid to reach out to us at thehomelesshelpergirls@gmail.com.

To see what other people already knew about the homeless, we asked them these questions:

1. How do you think people become homeless?
2. Do you feel sympathy for them? Explain.
3. In what ways do you wish to help them?


Person #1
1. People can become homeless for many reasons- financial troubles, family issues, bad background, etc.
2. Yes, I feel bad for them because they don't have some of the basic necessities of survival.
3. I would want to give them more than just food, water, or money- I would want to give them the strength, confidence, and resources to be able to provide for themselves in order to purchase a home, have a job, etc.

Person #5
1. Some people are born into a poor family which would result in them being kicked out. It could overlap with drug and alcohol abuse. Maybe teens were disowned by their parents for being gay/trans.
2. Yes, I do feel bad for them because you see them begging for money just to be able to buy lunch for that one day and it's pretty sad to see that.
3. I would like to give them shelter, food, and clothes to make them feel better. I try to give them money (If I have any) every time I pass by.

Person #2
1. There would be many reasons why, For example, being born into a poor family or losing their job. Since they lose their job they may not be able to find a job so soon.
2. Yes, I do feel bad because I see them struggling and it's hard to watch. They sleep wherever or places they think may be safe but sometimes they end up getting hurt really badly and they can't defend themselves.
3. I want to give them a home, clothes, and food so that they can live a better life.

Person #6
1. Their reason for being homeless vary. Some are cast out of their families, some lose jobs, and some made bad decisions. All of these situations ultimately leading to their current condition of being homeless.
2. I do feel bad for them. They are struggling within themselves and sometimes all it takes is a simple donation for them to realize they have reason to be here and to get there back on their feet.
3. I want to make sure they know that they have a reason to live and we care about them.

Person #3
1. People might become homeless because they might of been kicked out of their home for doing drug or not meeting a certain “requirement” in their home when they were young. They also might of had a lack of opportunity for jobs. Lastly a mental disorder.
2. Yes, because everyone should have the right to have a home, food, clothes, and other basic necessities.
3. Provide food, money, and clothing. Collect money to fund a shelter to provide nice housing for them.

Person #7
1. Some people are born into a poor family and therefore end up being homeless. Others lose their jobs and then their homes. Or waste their money and lose their homes.
2. I feel bad for them because I never want to see someone suffering and unable to have a shelter on a daily basis. That's something nobody wants to see, someone stuffering.
3. I wish I could donate food and clothes to organizations that help the homeless. I also enjoy volunteering at soup kitchens to help people get their meals for the day.

Person #4
1. I think that people become homeless because they get fried unnoticed before hand and they may not be able to find a job in enough time. So then they end up losing their house and they end up living on the streets.
2. Yes, I feel bad for them because they don't know where to go or who can help them. They also may get beat up for just being homeless or jumped.
3. If I could help them in any ways I would want to tell them that we can help, them give them the basic needs, and tell them their not alone.

Person #8
1. I think that people become homeless because they don't take advantage of their education and then later on they dropo out of High School. Which then means they aren't able to have a good paying job/career to subsation themselves and sadly end up in the streets.
2. Yes, I feel bad for them because they don't could have some type of disability or a disorder of some kind and their homeless with no help.
3.I would give them food, water, or money and so much more. I would want to help them as much as possible give them a place to live.